Cov khoom siv ntau lawm

Cov khoom siv ntau lawm

Eihe Steel Structure muaj cov chaw tsim khoom siab heev, suav nrog Laser txiav tshuab, tsis siv neeg CNC nplaim taws txiav tshuab, submerged arc vuam tshuab, carbon dioxide tiv thaiv vuam, planar CNC drilling tshuab, peb txoj haujlwm CNC drilling tshuab thiab milling tshuab tshwj xeeb yog siv los tsim lub thawv hom kem. Electroslag vuam tshuab thiab steel qauv theem nrab CNC ua tiav cov kab ntau lawm.

Txhua qhov kev tsim khoom yog tag nrho CNC-tswj, raws sijhawm, ua haujlwm tau zoo thiab raug, thiab nruab nrog cov kws tshaj lij ua haujlwm zoo los xyuas kom meej qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm txhua qhov khoom. Eihe Steel Structure muaj cov qib kev txhaj tshuaj blasting khoom, CNC drilling tshuab, ntau lub taub hau ncaj txiav tshuab, gantry tsis siv neeg vuam tshuab, sib dhos tshuab, orthopedic tshuab, tsis siv neeg purlin tshuab, EPS composite sandwich vaj huam sib luag khoom siv, derusting txheej txheem mus txog GB8923 thiab SPC tus qauv Sa2.5 lossis siab dua, nws tuaj yeem daws qhov tsis xws ntawm thermal expansion thiab contraction ntawm steel Cheebtsam, lub tuam txhab uas twb muaj lawm V820, B900 Hom, V880, V125, T261 thiab lwm yam xim phaj tsim cov khoom, vov tsev pobzeb hom yog lub buckle npog. zais cov ntsia hlau, tshem tawm tag nrho cov muaj peev xwm ntawm to.

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